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Posture & Stability Training

Treatments You Can Trust

Good posture and a stable body are important for your long-term health and can prevent pain, injuries, and other health problems. It involves holding your body correctly whether you are moving or still. The key to good posture and stability is the position of your spine and the strength and mobility of your joints. Learn how to improve your posture & stability with Willow and Water.

Benefits of good posture

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Poor posture can be bad for your health. It can cause numerous health problems.

  • Misalign your musculoskeletal system

  • Increase pressure on the spine, making it more prone to injury and degeneration

  • Cause neck, shoulder, and back pain

  • Decrease flexibility

  • Affect how well joints move

  • Affect balance and increase risk of falling

  • Make it harder to digest food

  • Induce breathing disorders and affect the surrounding structures including the heart and phrenic nerve

  • In women it can lead to imbalance in the core muscle leading to incontinence and/or pelvic organ prolapse

The Key to Good Posture

The key to good posture is the position of your spine. Your spine has three natural curves - at your neck, mid back, and low back. Correct posture should maintain these curves, but not increase them. Your head should be above your shoulders, and the top of your shoulder should be over the hips. Learn how to achieve this in all parts of your life through the Posture Care Program.

Benefits of good stability

Poor stability comes from unbalanced, weak, over or under stretched muscles in the core.

  • Misalign your musculoskeletal system

  • Increase pressure on the spine, making it more prone to injury and degeneration

  • Cause neck, shoulder, and back pain

  • Decrease flexibility

  • Affect how well joints move


Hold on! Aren't these the same as the above about Posture? Yes! Posture and Stability are often affected by the same muscles and bones and therefore often lead to the same problems such as increased risk of injury and the other gripes that some people take for granted.


There isn't going to be a third section for mobility, even though there should be because, you've guessed it, it would be a repeat of all the above except for one very important detail. Training for mobility is more important than training for strength. Why? Mobility training incorporates strength training into the flexibility training making it more versatile. I'm not suggesting you don't do strength training. The benefits of strength training are many and shouldn't be neglected, but if you are time poor or only have the energy (spoons for those in the know) for a limited amount of exercise then mobility training is generally more beneficial.

The Benefits of Posture & Stability Care

Posture & Stability Care can help reduce back and neck pain. It helps people improve their sitting and standing coordination as well as their ease of movement, which may reduce wear on the musculoskeletal system and prevent spinal compression.


People who have received this type of therapy may find they have increased lung capacity and greater productivity and endurance when performing repetitive work. Improved social confidence and easier speech may also result.


Physical training and daily life become easier as your joints move in a greater movement range with more confidence and strength.


You will get fewer injuries moving around and will suffer from fewer 'twinges' and persistent pain.


You have everything to gain and nothing to lose from embarking on this training program.

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